



★ ★ ★ ★

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  Présentation du cabinet

Anne Marie BISSON est Ostéopathe à BEAULIEU SUR MER . Son cabinet est situé à l'adresse : 4 Rue Paul Doumer à BEAULIEU SUR MER. Elle reçoit sur rendez-vous, pensez donc à la contacter avant de vous y rendre.

Vous êtes Anne Marie BISSON ?

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user image ME30

This practitioner has a very nice light touch, but if you are looking for a classic Osteopath who will adjust your back then this is not the right place. After 15 years of attending Osteopathic treatments, I know precisely what they do and what my body needs. I made this expressly clear at the beginning of my appointment , several times over. I was not given anything resembling osteopathy but more so as Physiotherary. Ms Bisson would not listen to my request and told me i did not need to 'be cracked' on my back or neck - 2 things which i know i very much need doing. Instead she proceeded to massage my stomach for 30 minutes, which achieved nothing but a feeling of nausea for me unfortunately. She is obviously skilled in Physiotherapy and apparently Biodynamics, however this is not reflected on her business card or her shop window, they both clearly say "Osteopath'. I was not told at any point that she would 'not crack' my back, so i waited patiently for this to happen during my treatment - yet she made no effort to do this insisting that she knew better what my body needed. Subsequently i have no physical relief and remain in pain, when i know if she had listened to my request - or sent me elsewhere i would be feeling better. The final 10 minutes of the treatment was her holding her fingers in total stillness on my scalp, this is not working on my back. I called her to explain that i would kindly appreciate a partial refund so i could pay another Osteopath to do it properly, or could she please make another attempt to do as i asked in capacity as an Osteopath, but she refused both, insisting that i don't know my body and what it needs. Perhaps she has a fear of manipulating bones i do not know, but this is her job. This is a very stubborn lady who is clearly not committed to her job in providing pain relief for people, yet prioritises money over patient welfare, if not, then why not concede to rectifying the issue, and even more importantly - providing the relief i paid for , and it was not inexpensive

user image Estelle Adelli

Une excellente ostéopathe. Travail avec douceur, respect et efficacité. A recommandé vivement. Merci pour vos bon soins. Je revis.

user image Quanah Parker

Suite à de douloureuses contractures au niveau du dos ,je suis allé voir Anne-Marie Bisson . Anne-Marie Bisson est une thérapeute qui possède des techniques et des connaissances qui sortent des sentiers classiques de la kinésithérapie et de l'ostéopathie . Elle a un touché à la fois sensible et ferme ce qui est rassurant . Son grand investissement tout au long de la séance a eu des résultats immédiats et durables . Je me sentais nettement mieux le lendemain et mes contractures ont disparu . Je là recommande autour de moi en toute confiance . Philippe Boully Massage-therapist

